Florida's Got the 'Love Bug': We're the US's Buggiest State

April 07th, 2015

All residents of Florida know that insects can cause big problems both inside and out, particularly if they cause an infestation. There’s just something about the warm climate that makes those bugs want to settle right in and call it home!

Bug Survey

In a nationwide survey, homeowners ranked the Sunshine State as the place with the most severe insect infestation problems. This includes ants, cockroaches and termites. However, it seems that the problem affects the whole country, not just Florida. In fact, nine in ten households reported having experienced a bug infestation at some point or another; according to results from a telephone survey conducted by Infogroup | ORC.

Ant infestation was the most common problem, with close to 60% of people saying that ants were ‘very likely or somewhat likely’ to infest their homes. 27% said they were ‘likely’ to encounter a termite infestation.

Do It Yourself Disasters

The report also investigated how many households chose to address the problem themselves, rather than calling an expert. 63% attempted to tackle the bugs themselves, and only 23% got in touch with a professional pest control company immediately.

Of those who took the DIY approach, 40% had to resort to calling a pest control expert anyway. 86% of those who called a professional infestation management crew reported that the pest control measures were successful.

Got an Infestation? Call an Expert!

If you think you’ve got an infestation, it’s really not worth leaving the situation and hoping it will go away; as it won’t. It’s also inadvisable to try to deal with the problem yourself, unless of course the situation is very minor.

A pest management pro will be able to assess the extent of the problem properly, and offer a suitable solution, based on the nature of the issue. If you’re based in Tampa and you’ve got a bug problem, get in touch with the experts right here.

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