As you walk around many landscapes in the Tampa area, you can't help but notice the wide variety of palm trees. Beautiful palm trees like Canary Island Date palms can certainly be the focal point of a landscape. The Tampa climate supports amazing palm diversity, and with that diversity comes a level of Intricacy associated with palm care. Whether it is Phoenix palm, Sylvester palm, Royal palm, Queen palm, Chinese Fan palm, or Canary Island Date palm, we can help protect your investment in palm trees. Not sure you need a palm tree care program? Simply call a nursery to find out how much it costs to replace your favorite large palm, and you will quickly understand why an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. For instance, a 20 foot tall Canary Island Date palm can cost over $3,000!
So in the spirit of protecting your investment in these beautiful palms, we have developed a Palm Care Program that attempts to meet the many needs of palm trees regularly found throughout this region. Our Palm Care Program is a special fertilization, insect control, and disease control package for larger (> 3 inch caliper) specimen palm trees. In addition to palm-specific fertilization, it includes long-lasting protective insecticide treatment, a preventative fungal applications, and phytoplasma disease prevention treatments (for susceptible palms only). It is the best way to maximize the health and vigor of your specimen-type, high dollar palms. We provide 3 applications for the palm care program, and we also provide free service calls between regularly scheduled visits should there be a need for additional treatments.
Pytoplasma diseases (an unculturable bacterium that has no cell wall) such as Texas Phoenix Palm Decline and Lethal Yellowing are devastating to certain varieties of palm trees like Sylvester Date palm, Adonidia palm, Canary Island Date palm, Coconut palm (all varieties), Sabal palm, and Dactylifera Date palm. If your palm tree gets this disease it cannot be cured with current technology. Therefore, your best bet is to try and prevent the onset of this problem with preventative injections of oxytetracycline HCl (an antibiotic) on a regular basis. If you have these plants in your landscape, it would be wise to see to it they are treated to deter the onset of this pathogen.
Note: Phytoplasma treatments are not curative in nature. These treatments are designed to prevent the onset of phytoplasma diseases. In order to continue protection, treatments must be applied at least 3 times per year for the duration of the life of the palm tree. Even when we treat preventatively for phytoplasma diseases, we cannot guarantee that susceptible varieties will not come down with the disease. The palm treatments outlined above do not provide protection against other incurable diseases such as Fusarium Wilt or Ganoderma Butt Rot. Also, this program does not provide protection against some insects such as the Giant Palm Weevil.
This shows the process utilized to treat a phoenix palm with phytoplasma disease in Tampa Florida. Performed by Green Solutions Lawn Care & Pest Contro...
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