The Most Prevalent Indoor Pest Problems

November 05th, 2015

roaches 2 We may share the earth with many living creatures, big and small, but that doesn’t mean you want to share your home with them. Insects and other critters belong outside, not interrupting the cleanliness and safety of your household. To avoid finding cringe-worthy bugs in your utensil drawer or bathtub, you first need to know what you’re trying to eliminate!

Cockroaches: Most people flinch just at the name, let alone the idea of roaches running free in their homes. Like most bugs, cockroaches spread bacteria and lay eggs that lead to a worse infiltration problem.

Rodents: The stereotypical squeal as a mouse darts across the floor loses some of its humor once you’ve actually experienced it for yourself. Rodents often contaminate food supplies, ruin furniture, spread disease, and even bite. They are sneaky and quiet, which makes identifying and resolving the problem challenging. If you’re suspicious of rodents in your home, stay alert for tiny droppings or new holes chewed through walls and flooring.

Ants: Ants are so tiny, sneaky, and quick that you often don’t even know you have an infestation until it becomes out of control. Household colonies hold thousands of ants that spread germs as they scour your pantry for crumbs of food. Though most ants don’t bite, some more aggressive forms do, which makes the infestation that much more serious.

Ticks and Fleas: Ticks and fleas are both dangerous for a number of reasons, not the least of which being how difficult they are to spot! These pests can worm their way into your clothes, linens, pets, and skin without you even noticing. Ticks cause Lyme disease and fleas are an awful nuisance that cause itchiness and bites. Though they are both seasonal, Florida’s warm climate causes them to stick around far longer than up North.

While do-it-yourself solutions exist for these common pests, it’s a much better idea to call in an expert pest control team and let them handle everything. Without professional equipment you can’t guarantee that you completely eliminate the problem, and your family’s safety and wellbeing is not worth the risk.

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