Quality Pest Control Services

July 01st, 2013

Pests. Even the word sets about a downward spiral in the visions of the mind—rats and fleas, bed bugs and grubs. Few things can more quickly eradicate the professional environment of a business, sap the sanctity of a home (or its resale value), or mar the beauty of a cultivated lawn.

Further complicating the act of battling these critters are the restrictive nature of state laws—they’re there for personal protection, but they may not always leave room for the optimal preservation of one’s environment, either. But that just means one needs to be careful in the company they choose for their pest control needs. Professionals study these laws, familiarize themselves with them, and conduct themselves (with the proper chemicals, mind you) to combat the troublesome pests.

This is of particular importance in terms of legality because pesticides, germicides, fertilizers, and the like, are under constant revision under the law. In 2012 alone, Acelepryn™ was added to the list of acceptable insect control measures for controlling grubs, caterpillars, billbugs and chinch bugs while, as noted in the 2012 Pest Control Guide for Turfgrass Managers produced by the University of Florida, MSMA was removed from the saleable list of chemicals, under an agreement with the EPA. As new research enters the picture and old cases are reviewed, acceptable chemical use is being constantly revised, and must be constantly watched. This is for the protection of the community at large.

But let’s move onto acceptable practices. Utilizing accepted chemicals, the easiest way to protect the home or business is the through the application of barrier or perimeter control—I.E. chemicals placed strategically around the facility in question. Eaves, windows, doors, plumbing lines and cracks are among just some of the many entry points pests of all shapes and sizes can use to slip indoors—proper application of chemicals acts as a sort of extra wall. Only the most determined pest will push on through that.

Yet removal from the abode is not the sole answer! A pest free home is just the beginning. Homes are essentially a taste of the good life for pests—if all you’re doing is kicking them outdoors, they will eventually come back, and bide their time in the yard. The key is to remove them from the property entirely—but some chemicals can be as hard on the greenery as they are on the pests. If one isn’t careful, they might cause as much damage trying to save a property as in leaving it to the aggressors. Some of the best solutions lie in “softer” touches—organic pest control solutions like organic pesticides (usually oil-based) and traps to reach the same end goal, with less aggressive means along the way.

Even the best chemicals are prone to the degradation of time, however. Thus, the third key in the pest prevention puzzle is scheduling, scheduling, scheduling. Regular application, undertaken at certain intervals throughout the year, can be the difference between a barrier and an open door.

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