Termite control – Important techniques homeowners should know about

September 24th, 2022

What You Need to Know About Subterranean Termites

Termites are one of the most common household pests, and they can cause severe damage to your home. But suppose you know what to look for and how to treat a termite problem correctly. In that case, you'll be able to keep these insects out of your walls and furniture, and termite control will be a practice you are familiar with. In this article, we'll cover everything from how to detect termites and put effective termite control measures in your home so that you can prevent them from getting inside before it's too late.

Termites - a homeowner's nightmare

Termites are one of the most destructive pests in your home. They can cause serious damage to your property, including structural damage, structural decay, and allergic reactions from dust mites. Termite infestations are difficult to detect because they're so small, and their colonies don't always appear like nests or tunnels as you might expect.

Suppose you suspect that there are termites within your walls or crawl spaces. In that case, it's essential to call an expert immediately so they can identify what type of insect is causing this problem for you. Termites are not easy to detect because they hide in many places around your home. However, they can be found more easily by pest control experts than the people who live in the area.

Homeowners have difficulty detecting termites because they are small and come out of wood mostly at night. If you want to know if there is an infestation of termites in your house, then it is vital that you look for signs such as:

  • Dark spots on walls or floors (these indicate where eggs have been laid)
  • Sawdust on floors (this means that there was an infestation)

Termite colony elimination and prevention

Termites are a huge problem in American homes, and their presence can cause a lot of damage to your home. Because termite colonies are hard to detect, it's crucial that you know how to prevent them from coming into your home and infesting it with colonies.

You can treat termite colonies with pesticides or heat treatment. If you treat the colony with pesticides, there will be less impact on surrounding structures because termites don't like being around poisons. Heat treatment is more effective than chemicals because it kills all life stages within the colony (including eggs), so there aren't any new generations born after being exposed to these chemicals over time.

When used incorrectly or not correctly applied by professionals who specialize in treating these types of issues, chemical termite control can be ineffective to termites or toxic to humans. Pest control companies like Green Solutions Lawn Care and Pest Control come highly recommended due to their experience dealing specifically with treating such pests throughout communities across Florida, where they serve many homeowners seeking help after experiencing problems similar to yours.

Termite inspection and treatment

You should always inspect your home for termites before you start treating them. The most important thing to remember is that termite inspections are not just about looking for signs of a nest but also taking note of any other conditions that may lead to an infestation. For example, if there is old woodwork in your home, this could be the perfect place for a colony of critters to grow and multiply.

It's also important to note that some treatments can take time—and sometimes even months—to work their way through all of the cracks and crevices in your house.   Therefore, it's best not to let yourself get too excited about what "working" means here because it could mean nothing more than waiting around until springtime when everything will have dried out enough so pests will come out again (if they're still around).

Termite traps

Termite traps are one of the most efficient termite control methods to detect termites. They work by attracting their favorite bait—the sweet smell of rotting wood—to a small opening in the trap where they can enter and get trapped. So the next time you see a termite, you'll know it's because of one of these traps.

Termites are attracted to certain compounds emitted from wood when it rots, so if you have any wooded areas around your house (or even inside), putting up some termite traps may help detect them before they cause damage.

Termites aren't just attracted to rotting material; they also like things like sugar and other carbohydrates found naturally in plants (which might explain why ants love sugar).

If there is an area where pet food has been spilled or left out overnight at room temperature rather than refrigerated (like under sinks), this could attract many types of pests, including ants which will go back into their homes after raiding kitchens with foodstuffs they've taken for snacks.

How to avoid a termite infestation?

There are many ways to prevent a termite infestation, but one of the most effective is to keep your home dry. You can do this by keeping trees and shrubs away from your house and keeping woodpiles away from it as well.

If you have an existing problem with termite damage or other pests, call a professional immediately so they can identify the source of the infestation and recommend appropriate treatment options based on what they find at your property.

Termites — and other pests — love to thrive in damp, dark places. So keeping your home dry will stop them from building nests on your property. In addition, if any areas aren't visible because they're covered up by furniture or plants, such as those under stairs or against walls with poor ventilation, it's essential to make sure these spots stay dry too.


The key takeaway is that termites are not just a nuisance. They can cause severe damage to your home and belongings, so it's important to take them seriously. If you have an infestation or suspect that one might be present in your home, get in touch with Green Solutions Lawn Care and Pest Control if you live in or around Tampa, Florida. They will be able to assist you by eliminating the problem and providing preventative measures that will keep it from ever coming back again.


Read next: Four Signs You Need Pest Control Services

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