Fleas are Not Just a Pet's Problem

February 10th, 2015

Florida's subtropical climate, nasty pests like fleas get a nearly year round pass for activity. As a result, it requires year round vigilance to help protect your pets and family from these biting parasites. Despite what some homeowners may think, taking care of fleas is not just a matter of bathing your indoor/outdoor pets. No matter how manicured your lawn may be, it can still be home to all manners of unwanted pests. Fleas can colonize in yards and be tracked in by wandering animals, both domestic and wild. With them come the potential for other parasites such as tapeworms, which can be a threat to not just pets, but humans as well.

Fleas Bite Humans And Animals

fleas There are few species of warm blooded creatures that fleas do not have a taste for. While they are less likely to infest or colonize on a human as they do with furred creatures, they will still bite and feed on you. Their bites can cause severe allergic reactions for some people, on top of potentially transmitting some diseases across species. You don't even need to own pets to have a potential flea problem, since they can be tracked into your yard by just about anything, and will stick around if there is enough food to be had in an area.

Flea Treatment Needs To Be Comprehensive

In properly dispelling a flea infestation, both the home and yard need to be treated, as well as any pets that may be present. There are several green pesticide options for indoor pest control that can safely kill and deter fleas. Many services that provide lawn care management can also assist in providing safe pest control treatments. At times pest control providers can even handle both indoor and outdoor control options for fleas. No matter it takes a single service, or multiple services, another important factor in proper flea control, is timing.

Treatments Needs To Happen Simultaneously

Getting rid of fleas needs to not only be approached from multiple angles, it also needs to be executed during the same time period. Depending on the methods used, it can take multiple applications to ensure all the fleas are eliminated. Some products and methods may take time to eliminate the pests completely because they may not be able to kill all the eggs that have been laid in the environment or on pets. Given that a single female can produce up to 2,000 or more eggs in a relatively short period of time, patience, diligence and synchronized treatments are key to successful flea pest control.

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