How Often Should I Water My Lawn

July 10th, 2021

Water My Lawn How Often Should I Water My Lawn

A well-watered lawn is a healthy lawn. Whether you are starting with bare soil or taking over caring for an already established lawn, proper watering is a critical component of all lawn care programs. There are many variables to consider when planning when and how much to water your lawn, including:

  • Type of grass

Not all grass is the same. To properly care for your lawn, you need to know what type of grass you have. Popular varieties here in Florida include:

•  St. Augustine

•  Bermudagrass

•  Zoysia grass

•  Bahiagrass

Each type of grass will have specific watering requirements. However, a good rule of thumb is to provide ¾” of water evenly over the entire lawn. If you’re unsure of how much water your lawn is getting, place empty shallow containers (tuna cans work great!) in various spots around the yard. Water the lawn as usual, then measure the water in each can. Make adjustments to your watering system based on what you find.

  • Temperature and weather

The time of year plays a role in how often you should water your lawn too. In the dead heat of summer, you’ll want to water twice per week. In the cooler months of the year, one watering per week should be sufficient. Avoid watering during periods of moderate to heavy rain.

  • Local watering restrictions

Many cities, counties and even HOA’s have restrictions on what days and times you may water your lawn. Most require watering early in the morning, which is best for your lawn anyway. Watering the lawn in mid-morning or evening keeps the lawn wet for too long, increasing the likelihood of disease. Watering in the middle of the day wastes precious water from evaporation. Your HOA or local government may limit the days of the week you can water your lawn as well. Homeowners are typically given 2-3 days of each week to water. If you live in an area with watering restrictions, you must incorporate these into your lawn care program.

Depending on your situation, you may have even more factors to consider when planning how often to water your lawn. If your thumb isn’t exactly green, you may want to consider hiring a lawn care company to maintain a lawn care program for you. Green Solutions has been keeping lawns lush and green in the Tampa Bay area since 2007. Call us at (813) 684-7336 today and find out why our customers have submitted hundreds of five-star reviews on Google and Angie’s List.


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