Lawn Disease Control

Lawn Disease Control

Lawn diseases can be caused by a variety of fungi, bacteria, and even nematodes. Many of these pathogens are endemic in soil and only become a problem when the turfgrass is stressed. Environmental stresses such as drought, heat, shade, compacted soils, thatch, and poor drainage all contribute to turfgrass stress and disease susceptibility.

Most lawn diseases can be controlled through proper cultural practices such as watering deeply and infrequently, mowing at the proper height, and removing debris from the lawn. If you suspect your lawn has a disease, it is important to have it diagnosed by a qualified professional to determine the best course of action. With early diagnosis and treatment, most lawn diseases can be effectively controlled.

Tips To Keep Your Lawn Healthy

A beautifully green lawn is the pride and joy of any homeowner. But when disease strikes, that perfect lawn can quickly become a brown and patchy mess. Several different lawn diseases can affect your grass, requiring further treatment. That’s why it’s important to identify the disease and take action accordingly.

Brown Patch

The first and most important step in brown patch control is to water your lawn only when necessary. Over-watering is the leading cause of brown patches, so it’s important to let your lawn dry out between waterings.

When you do water, water deeply and evenly to encourage deep root growth. Water early in the day so the lawn has time to dry out before nightfall, and wet grass overnight creates an ideal environment for the brown patch to develop.

Fertilize your lawn properly. Applying too much nitrogen fertilizer can promote brown patch development, so follow the manufacturer’s directions carefully. Slow-release fertilizers are best because they provide a steadier supply of nutrients over time rather than a sudden burst that can lead to excessive growth and thatch buildup.

This helps reduce stress on grass plants, which makes them more resistant to disease. Be sure to rake up clippings after mowing, so they don’t contribute to thatch buildup.

Dollar Spot

Dollar Spot is a type of lawn disease caused by a fungus. The symptoms of Dollar Spot are small, circular patches of brown grass, and the patches may be up to 12 inches in diameter. Dollar Spot usually occurs in the spring and summer months.

To control Dollar Spot, you should mow your lawn regularly and keep it well-watered. You should also fertilize your lawn with a slow-release fertilizer. If you see any signs of Dollar Spot, you should treat the affected area with a fungicide.

Powdery Mildew

Powdery mildew is a fungus affecting both cool-season and warm-season turfgrasses. It is most commonly seen in late summer to early fall when temperatures are warm and humid. The fungus thrives in these conditions and produces a white, powdery growth on the grass blades. Powdery mildew can weaken the grass and make it more susceptible to other diseases and pests.

This will help to increase air circulation and prevent the colony from taking hold. Water early in the day, so the grass has time to dry before nightfall. Avoid excessive nitrogen fertilizer, as this can promote fungal growth. And finally, consider using a fungicide labeled for powdery mildew control if the problem persists.


Rust is a type of lawn disease that can cause your grass to turn brown and yellow. While rust is not deadly to your lawn, it can be unsightly and difficult to control.

First, ensure you are mowing your lawn at the proper height. If you cut your lawn too short, it will be more susceptible to rust. Second, water your lawn deeply and regularly. Rust thrives in dry conditions, so keeping your lawn moist will help prevent it from developing. Third, fertilize your lawn regularly, and a healthy Lawn will be less likely to develop rust.

  1. Rake up any dead grass and leaves that have been infected with rust. This will help remove the spores that cause the disease.
  2. Apply a fungicide specifically designed for treating rust.
  3. Water deeply and regularly to help prevent the disease from spreading.

Stemphylium Blight

Stemphylium blight is a fungal disease that affects lawns, causing brown or black patches to form on the grass. The fungus thrives in wet, humid conditions and can be spread by wind, rain, or watering. Stemphylium blight is most active in spring and fall, but can occur any time of year if conditions are right.

Lawns affected by stemphylium blight may have circular or irregularly-shaped brown or black patches. The grass in these patches will be dead or dying. The fungus can also cause yellowing of the grass and stunted growth. In severe cases, the whole lawn may turn brown and die.

To control stemphylium blight, water only when necessary and avoid over-watering. Mow regularly and remove clippings to prevent the spread of the disease. If you see signs of stemphylium blight, rake up any dead grass and dispose of it in the trash. Apply a fungicide according to label instructions to help control the disease.

How to prevent lawn diseases

Lawn diseases can be difficult to control and may require multiple products and treatments. However, some tips can help you prevent lawn diseases:

  • Mow your lawn regularly and at the correct height, which will help remove diseased leaves and reduce the chances of the disease spreading.
  • Water your lawn deeply but infrequently, encouraging deep root growth, making your lawn resistant to diseases.
  • Use a sharp mower blade. This will help to prevent the tearing of the grass, which can lead to diseases.
  • Remove dead leaves and debris from your lawn, reducing the chances of spreading diseases.
  • Treat your lawn with a fungicide if you notice signs of disease. This will help to kill the disease organisms and prevent them from causing further damage.

Types of Lawn Diseases

Several different types of lawn diseases can affect your grass, and the most common include brown patches, dollar spots, red thread, and take-all root rot. Every kind of disease has its own set of symptoms, so it's important to be able to identify which one you're dealing with before you start trying to treat it.

Dollar spot is another fungal disease that affects both cool- and warm-season grasses. It usually shows up as small, round spots on the grass that are light brown or tan. Red thread is another type of lawn disease caused by a fungus, and it often appears as small, reddish-pink threads on the blades of grass. Take-all root rot is a serious soil-borne fungus that can kill entire lawns if it's not treated quickly.

Symptoms to Look For

There are a few common symptoms to look for when diagnosing lawn diseases. These include:

  • Discoloration: This is usually the first and most noticeable symptom. The grass will take on a yellow, brown, or red hue.
  • Thinning: The affected area will start to thin out, and you may see bald spots beginning to form.
  • Patches: Large patches of discoloured grass are another symptom to look for.

Wilting: The grass in the affected area may wilt and look lifeless.

Treating and Preventing Lawn Diseases

Lawn diseases are unsightly and can kill your grass if left untreated. There are many types of lawn diseases, but some of the most common include brown patches, dollar spots, rust, and powdery mildew. Every disease has its own symptoms, so it's important to identify which disease affects your lawn.

Brown patches appear as circular or oblong patches of brown grass. Brown patch is most common in warm-season grasses during periods of high humidity.

Dollar spot appears as small, round patches of brown or yellow grass and the patches are usually about the size of a silver dollar coin. Dollar spot is most common in cool-season grasses during periods of extended wet weather.

Rust appears as small, reddish-brown spots on the leaves of grass plants. Rust is most common in cool-season grasses during periods of extended wet weather.

Powdery mildew is most common in warm-season grasses during periods of high humidity.

To prevent lawn diseases, start by planting disease-resistant varieties of grass. Proper watering, mowing, and fertilization will help keep your lawn healthy and reduce disease risk. Contact a professional lawn care company for diagnosis and treatment if you notice lawn disease symptoms.

When to Call a Professional?

When you see any of the following symptoms in your lawn, it's time to call a professional:

  • Brown patches that won't green up no matter how much you water or fertilize
  • Large areas of dead grass
  • Grass that is thinning out or has bare spots
  • Grass that is growing slowly or unevenly
  • Fungus or mold growth on the grass

If you're unsure what's causing the problem, a professional can help you diagnose the issue and recommend a course of treatment. Left untreated, lawn diseases can kill your grass and spread to other parts of your yard, so getting help as soon as possible is important.

Lawn disease is a serious problem that can kill your grass and make your lawn look unhealthy. If you think your lawn might have a disease, it's important to act quickly and get professional help. Contact the grass experts at Green Solutions Lawn Care and Pest Control today.  They can quickly recognize the symptoms of lawn diseases and get your lawn back to health in no time.

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